Westchester Council of the Blind
December 5, 2015 Membership Meeting Minutes
In Person: location 50 Barker Street, Mt. Kisco
Meeting began 1:30 pm
Becky Barnes, vice president
Jim Pulsoni, treasurer
Rich Laine, secretary; Ann Chiappetta, director
Ron Davidson, director
Maria Samuels, director
Members present:Â Rita Pulsoni, Evelyn Reiter, Barry and Louise Wood and Eric Brinkman
Becky opened meeting with the announcement that Mike could not attend meeting.
Reading of agenda
Annie asked to amend agenda, asking to hold elections after old business, and then go onto other business. Motion was seconded and passed by consensus.
Approval of minutes were accepted by acclimation.
Treasurer’s Report by Jim: bank balances as of December: Main account has $5447.2o and the convention account has $2449.43
Discussion of report: question was asked why convention account was lower and main account was higher than expected. Annie clarified that a large sum was added into the main account instead of the convention account and will be transferred soon. The total dollars for the organization is correct.
Jim said to pay dues; members can pay by check, PayPal, or in cash after the meeting.
Motion to accept treasurer’s report was made by Annie, passing unanimously
Committee reports:
TAC: meeting date and time was discussed for the Dec. 12 meeting.
NyVRA: Becky reported Bill is on Gov. Desk (and has since been vetoed)
APSC: Annie mentioned the Beekman and Washington signal and meeting with village manager and Assemblyperson to move things along.
Spring event and planning meeting will ask about funding for banner and other items.
Becky spoke about the APSC Convention workshop and how the panel guests really helped us understand the mechanics and science of signal coordination.
Emergency Prep Committee: Ron is on it and will be reporting for us. People with disabilities can register with the county online or via phone. Ron is sending out link. Will also put on our website.
Convention Committee: costs and expenses still forthcoming; thank you letters being done.
Membership agreed to make a simple certificate and present it to the Crowne Plaza staff and General Manager and Event Manager. More on this at the next meeting.
Elections: Becky presented two options to the membership, voting on the slate in its entirety or going by each position, taking votes from the floor and voting individually. It was decide
D that since there were not any nominations from the floor, we would vote the slate all at once. Nominations passed unanimously.
We did not receive a nomination for the position of secretary; however, we did welcome a new director, Eric Brinkman.
The new officers and directors for WCB from 1/2016 to 12/2017:
Annie Chiappetta, President
Becky Davidson, vice President
Jim Pulsoni, Treasurer
Secretary (open)
Mike Golfo, Past President
Directors: Ron Davidson, Maria Samuels, Cathy Beider, and Eric Brinkman.
Budget: APSC line item was mentioned as being added, but was not at the time of the passing of the budget. This line item will have to be voted upon and added in an upcoming meeting.
Discussion about line items and if we use all the money. Ron helped answer by reading the budget line items to clarify.
Annie motioned to approve budget: seconded by multiple members at once, passing by consensus.
State representative for 2016is Annie and legislative rep is Becky.
Motion to adjourn was made and seconded. Meeting ended at 2:30 pm
Respectfully submitted by Annie Chiappetta, President WCB